

a brief


Watching 15-year-old pregnant girls waddle through the mall, clutching their enormous bellies and praying their precious babies will not leave them with unsightly stretch marks on their previously well-toned stomachs and asses, it dawned on me that these are the poster children for forced euthanasia.

Reading your stupid articles made it dawn on me that evil people are the poster BITCHES! for forced euthanasia you evil person. It should be a crime to have such wrong ideas and to talk about them. Then we'd all get to see how smart you think you are when your on the electic chair dying for being so wrong!

Jack Kevorkian was on to something before he became a publicity hound – assisting in the suicides of the terminally ill. What he has consistently overlooked is the market for involuntary euthanasia. It is ripe for the picking.

You are so obviously wrong here. Kevorkian is wrong, it is never write to kill oneself because God has not decided it is there time and we are all here because of God so we should follow his plans. But I bet you forgot to think about that, didn't you! When you come face to face with God after you die, I hope that He video tapes it so I can watch it on my Big Screen TV when I get to heaven over and over as your face becomes frozen with fear and shock as you realize that your going to suffer for eternity for being cruel and taking pleasure in trying to hurt others. I'll enjoy that tape so much I'll probably watch it every night from my comfy spot in heaven.

Why stop at 65-year-old grandmothers dying from ovarian cancer and 43-year-old men suffering from progressive multiple sclerosis? What about Stupid Teen Girl, who is slowly easing down the jism trail toward teen motherhood and a life of chronic breeding? She would be a prime candidate for a lethal cocktail of sodium pentothal, pavulon and potassium chloride.

This mistake of yours that you made is really funny. There is no lethal cocktail you idiot, its lethal injection. Duh.

Organizations such as the Church of Euthanasia and Voluntary Human Extinction Movement do not go far enough. Their hearts are in the right place in urging people to off themselves and refrain from breeding but their methods are ineffective. In order to achieve what these organizations want -- slower population growth -- we need to start with those who have no fucking idea how to keep their legs shut. We must begin with teen mothers. (Women taking fertility drugs will be Phase Two.)

Despite the reduction in repeat childbearing, about 90,000 teens gave birth to their second child in 1997, out of a total of just over 500,000 births to teenagers. 90,000 teens did not learn their lesson the first time around, and if it hasn't sunk in by the second child, chances are it will not sink in by the third, fourth or fifth.

Still at an age where they think they can do no wrong, they continue to push out child after child. It makes them happy, and they know best. The school system tells them that. (Self-esteem proponents will be Phase Three.)

And what is supposed to be so wrong with bringing more love into the world? Love is a great thing, and a new borned child is a shining example of what this world needs more of. We need more good children, as opposed to hell-bound scallions like you!

My 22-year-old cousin had her first child at 16. She is now the proud welfare mother of four brats with trendy names and Medicaid. I doubt she will ever stop. She has no reason to use birth control. She has no hope or future. She never finished high school. She has a low-paying job at Boston Market. Bearing children is the only thing she is capable of doing well.

And what is so wrong with her bringing more children into this world if that is what she does well? At least she does something well you don't to anything well. Your not even a bitch well because your too stupid to see things the way they really are. All you are is jealous. Your especially jealous of people with cool sounding names which is why you are always bringing up "trendy sounding names". And just because one person that you know is one welfare it doesn't mean that all teen mothers are on welfare. I'm not going to be on welfare my parents are going to let me raise my child at there place until I marry my future hubby and we live happyly ever after at the house that he'll buy when he graduates and gets a really good job and makes lots of money for me and all the children that we'll have together. Jealous jealous jealous! That is what you are and anyone can see it except for those too stupid like you.

And I notice that the welfare mother that you mention is in your family. Probably you'r hole family is on welfare to!

The bitch then went on, babbling with a lot of old statistics. And when one other mother mentioned the age of your statistics, all the bitch could say was something like "you should learn how the census works". As if somebody needs to know how the census works to know that data that is 9 years old is out of date. The bitch is just trying to step around the points. And I'll bet that she was also just making up a lot of the data, thinking that no one would double check her. Since she likely made the stuff up I'm not going to quote her negativeness any more.

And she claims that she wants to be a journalist! She'll have to learn that she can't just makes bad stuff up in the real world or she'll be fired. Not that she'll ever get a job and get off of the welfare that she'd probably on like her cousin.